Danial K Afzal began his media career at PTV as an anchor, and has immersed himself completely in film-making, since 2016, and has received numerous laurels for his award winning documentary "The Survivor". Currently Afzal is heading a digital content production studio known as aur I Digital. His most recent work was the Prologue based on Fatima Jinnah. Afzal is in the process of converting the Prologue into a 3-season long webseries covering the eras of pre and post Colonial rule through the kaleidoscope of Fatima Jinnah. The first season of the series is set to be released in 2023.

Films shown in Divvy Film Festival 2023

Fatima jinnah: Prologue by Aur | Digital, 2023, Danial K. Afzal
3 seasons; 3 eras; encapsulates a rather heroic yet systematic life of an aristocratic socio- political figure, Fatima Jinnah, popularly known as the mother of a nation. The series assesses the staunch Fatima Jinnah's role in making herself the madr - e - millat through the visual lense of the colonial 'new woman'.