Bio (b. 1983, Pakistan) lives and works in Lahore. She received her BFA from the National College of Arts, Lahore (2006) and an MVA in Visual Arts National College of Arts, Lahore (2012). Trained as a miniature painted, Kazi has developed a unique technique of miniature painting with ash, sand and dry pigments. Recent selected solo Shows include, Respite, Satrang Gallery, Islamabad (2017), A Secret, Sanat Gallery, Karachi, (2017), Spatial Transcendence Rohtas 2, Lahore (2014), Cognitive Transcendence Karachi, Koel Art Gallery (2014).
Artist Statement | I, too, am a part of this history
The works are a culmination of the elements of spirituality deeply rooted in collective memory as our history. The entire art practice revolves around Love and Peace. These paintings are a gentle warm embrace to all those who view it. They are like silent prayers for everyone, the entire Bani Adam. It is based on the teachings given to me by my elders who showed us by example how to lead a better life. A life that sees no caste colour or creed, a life that would break the divides and recognize each other united as brothers and sisters in Faith and in Humanity.